Transport Incubators – TR-200S

The Natus NatalCare TR-200S Intensive Care Transport Incubator provider thermal stability,easy access, and clear visility of the baby during transport.Its robust sleek design, compact size and light weight make it a user-friendly choice for clinians.

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Reliable Transport Solution for Infants

Optimal clinical performance and full access

The double-wall acrylic hood protects the baby from heat loss andpromotes a stable thermal environment.
The removable acrylic patient crib and multiple hand ports allow easy access to the baby. Hands-free port opening and closing with the touch of an elbow promotes a safe environment.

Compact, mobile and suitable for use in a variety of settings

Whether transporting the baby from Labor and Delivery to a NICU, or from the NICU to another care area, the Natus NatalCare TR-200s Intensive Care Transport Incubator provides excellent mobility i n tight spaces and is also optimal for emergency ground transport needs.

User-Friendly and fully configurable

The Natus NatalCare TR-200s Intensive Care Transport Incubator provides the essential, user-friendly features that clinicians require to respond to an infant’s needs.The Natus NatalCare TR-200s Intensive Care Transport Incubator includes a waterproof display with simple intuitive controls, LED exam light,and multiple mounting solutions for additional equipment, such as monotors, ventilators and infusion pumps. The high efficiency battery provides up to 6 hours of battery life and ensures the incubator can accommodate long distances or unexpected delays without compromising the baby’s environment.

Easy to move. Compact and lightweight.High access and visibility during transport.

Optional Accessories


Aspirator (Include Battery)


Infant Resuscitator

Neo-Pod T
Transport Humidifier

2 Battery Optional
( > 6 Hour. on Operation)